What To Expect
Where Do You Meet?
We currently meet at 403 S. 15th St. in Worland on Sunday mornings, and in homes for our weekly Grounding Groups. Our ministry also serves surrounding areas in many different ways!
What Can I Expect from a Sunday Service?
We believe God must be the central focus of all worship. The Bible provides the basic outline for how God desires to be worshipped when believers come together on the Lord’s Day; that is, through preaching of God’s Word, fellowship, the Lord’s Table, prayer, and singing. We believe the Bible emphasizes the greatness and holiness of God which should cause us to worship Him respectfully and reverently, to be balanced with the salvation and love of God which should cause us to worship joyfully and confidently! To see a bulletin sample, click here
Is Nursery Provided?
Nursery is provided for children and infants ages 0-3. We encourage parents to be involved in training their child(s) to learn to sit still at home during the week so that the church worship service can be used as the soul training zone, rather than the sole training zone (see Family Devotions Resources). However, we realize many families come from different backgrounds and may have children who have a hard time sitting through a worship service. We provide free Focus Bags for first-time visiting children ages 4-8.
What kind of music is sung?
We believe that the voices of believers should be the primary instruments of worshiping God through music. We also believe God has given musical abilities to be used for His glory, which includes aiding congregational singing through the use of musical instruments. We believe there is no set Biblical rule for which instruments can be used in worship as long as they aid congregational voices rather than drowning voices out or drawing unnecessary attention for show.
We believe that the words of the songs should be more important in drawing out the emotions rather than the style, but also recognize God is glorified through our emotions as they respond to singing the truths of His praise. We seek to balance cultural “singability” with edification for all the saints. The main guidelines for the song selection at SGBC regardless of length, age, repetition, or style are: Is it true according to God’s Word? Is it spiritually edifying? Is it reverent balanced with joy? Is there a balance of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs?
How Can I Stay Focused During the Week?
Grounding Groups are group studies that encourage one another to stand firm on the truth of God’s Word and build one another up in love and holiness in our daily lives. Grounding Groups are based on the truths found in Colossians 1:21-23a and 1 Peter 2:4-12.
And although you were formerly alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds, yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach-- if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven.
Colossians 1:21-23a
Worland Wyoming Church WY 307 Thermop Thermopolis Wyoming Kurby WY Church Worship Christian Christ God Reformed Solas Calvinism Nine 9 Marks Bible Study Jesus Drug Help Worland Wyoming Church Church in Worland Churches in Worland Fellowship Reformation Evangelical Believers